Am Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:36:09 +0200 schrieb Andrea Scarpino <>:
Hi DEVs, Florian Pritz aka Bluewind, wants to maintain OpenBox (which is currently orphan) in [community]. I don't know if we have some policy about WMs that have to stay in [extra].
He wants to maintain the following packages in [community] too: * obconf * openbox * wvdial * wvstreams * xbindkeys * xplc
Do you agree with this?
We have Lxde in extra (seems a bit unmaintained). That depends on openbox wm. We should either keep openbox or move all Lxde to community. Lxdm (does not depend on openbox nor lxde but is a bit related to this) hasn't seen much love upstream in the past, it's a candidate to drop also. I'd like to check lightdm as a possible repleace for lxdm in extra. -Andy