2008/10/30 Aaron Hussein Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com>:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Dusty Phillips <buchuki@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey guys,
I need a super to release the django1.0 ported Arch web on gerolde:
* drop the ignorepkg on django in pacman.conf * pacman -S django or pacman -Syu to update django to version 1.0 * cd /home/sites/archlinuxarchweb_pub && git pull * cd ../archweb_dev && git pull * /etc/rc.d/httpd restart
If this causes a nuclear meltdown, revert to the previous django (you made sure it still existed in the pacman cache right?) and checkout release_2008-oct-30 in both directories.
Hmmm, I'm rather busy right now, so wouldn't have the time to do fixes if needed... how confident are you that this is 100% functional?
I've rolled it out locally once and to the playground on archlinux.ca without any issue so far, so I don't anticipate it crashing completely. I DO expect a few more of those "django crashed" error messages you and I were receiving a while back, but I can fix them as they come up without interrupting you. I'd like these to happen sooner rather than later since I start work full time on Monday. Dusty