16 Jun
16 Jun
9:09 a.m.
As countless people have noticed, my packages are pretty much unmaintained nowadays. After some thought, "package maintainer" isn't really a role I want to play anymore, so I'm dropping them. A full listing follows. Scoop up what you want. Some of these can (should) probably be moved to community too... -S ------------- bitlbee bzr darcs denyhosts django fakechroot festival festival-awb-arctic festival-don festival-kallpc16k festival-rablpc16k flite freepops gajim getmail ghc gtkterm habak happy jabberd libticables libticalcs libticonv libtifiles mod_hosts_access nph pil pycmail python-feedparser python-gtkglext python-mpdclient python-opengl setuptools sshfs swt tilp tomcat tor trayer xdelta xpp bitlbee-devel fvwm-crystal