[arch-dev-public] Proposal to remove PyGTK
Hi all, I would propose to remove PyGTK from the official repositories. PyGTK was used to create GTK2 applications in python2. It's deprecated and unmaintained since 2011 in favor of PyGObject, and does not receive any fixes since then. The following packages are in progress to be ported from PyGTK to PyGObject, but not released yet: - diffuse: a fork with python3 support is in progress: https://github.com/MightyCreak/diffuse - gimp: GTK3/python3 port is very slow, python extensions support can be disabled with the --disable-python switch - ibus-sunpinyin: python3 port was merged - mcomix: a fork with python3 support is available: https://github.com/multiSnow/mcomix3 - nmap: python3 port of ndiff is available, zenmap is not ported yet (can be disabled with --without-ndiff --without-zenmap switches): https://github.com/nmap/nmap/pull/1807 - nicotine+: python3 port is in progress: https://github.com/Nicotine-Plus/nicotine-plus/pull/106 The following packages were not ported yet and have inactive upstream: - gutenpy: last released in 2006 - ibus-googlepinyin: last released in 2012 - pyneighborhood: last released in 2011 - wifi-radar: last released in 2015 Any objections? -- György Balló Trusted User
Balló György via arch-dev-public schreef op 2020-03-13 10:56:
We can't keep supporting unmaintained software for ages. Pygtk is one of those projects that keeps python2 in our repos, so I think it's best to update/patch projects to a version that uses PyGobject and remove features or drop the remaining packages that still depend on pygtk. Go for it!
On 3/13/20 6:33 AM, Jan de Groot wrote:
Packages using pygtk: - zbar Felix, the zbar package currently builds python2-zbar bindings using pygtk. These aren't used by any package, and upstream documents support for python3 and GObject Introspection bindings usable via python2/python3: https://github.com/mchehab/zbar#python-widgets Please drop the unused pygtk bindings and build python3/gobject ones instead. :D - python2-twisted ported to gobject for gtk3, which should work fine in python3, maybe we can just drop this checkdepends/optdepends and disable those tests to not advertise its existence? - libappindicator / lib32-libappindicator As far as I can tell, these don't even use pygtk at all these days, just gobject introspection. - gimp We hope and pray for the awaited gimp 3.0 release... - nmap Needed for zenmap, still unported. I see the nmap package has been updated to drop the zenmap program, which I don't think was really needed at the moment, since we could just wait until we're ready to finally drop pygtk itself... this is still blocked on gimp anyway. What's the upstream porting status? -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User
participants (4)
Balló György
Eli Schwartz
Felix Yan
Jan de Groot