[arch-dev-public] [signoff] grub-0.97-12
Hi - fixed gpt support http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/9864 please signoff for both archs greetings tpowa -- Tobias Powalowski Archlinux Developer & Package Maintainer (tpowa) http://www.archlinux.org tpowa@archlinux.org
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 5:23 AM, Tobias Powalowski <t.powa@gmx.de> wrote:
What ever happened to "as vanilla as possible"? Why do we keep patching things left and right when 2 people request it?
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> wrote:
ABS/AUR anyone? I kind of agree here, this seems like a very specialized thing, which I'm sure is helpful for some, but the Gentoo bug report you linked to showed this patch was not without its own problems. Can we at least bring up patching our core tools on the ML before going ahead and doing it? If you don't get any feedback, then go right ahead, but knowing things like this in advance might let other developers speak up first. -Dan
On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 11:02 -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
Macbooks are i686 and x86_64 too. Do we want those people to install lilo because our old ancient version of grub that hasn't seen any development for years, doesn't support the partition table used on their machine? Or worse: do we want to push them to other distributions that do have a patched grub? For some projects you can't go vanilla. Some examples: - xorg - kernel - openoffice.org
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Jan de Groot <jan@jgc.homeip.net> wrote:
Wait? I thought this was for support for partitions over 2 TB. How does it related to Macbooks? Also, in all seriousness, how is someone leaving "worse"? I didn't think we were jockeying for user membership? Has this changed?
On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 11:22 -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
Every intel mac comes with preformatted GPT disks. GPT is a new partitioning scheme, just like EFI is a new BIOS standard. GPT is part of the EFI standard, which happens to be implemented on every intel mac. About someone leaving being bad: this is not just about someone. This is about everyone who wants to install arch on his or her mac and wants to use grub. If we start reasoning like this, we could just close all bugs in flyspray with "Won't fix" because we don't think users are important.
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Jan de Groot <jan@jgc.homeip.net> wrote:
See, this is a little different. I see no where in either our bug report or the gentoo bug report, a mention of Intel Macs. The only information available is "it supports disks > 2TB", and nothing else That information would have been important as all hell, but I keep seeing us adding way too many patches to way too many things that have been working for ages for reasons like "well, Gentoo did it". This appears to be one of them. Patching something with a reason ("Support for Intel Macs") is one thing, but I am positive that did not happen here. It was patched because a user suggested it, and linked to a patch gentoo had ("Everyone else does it, let's do it too"). It's just frustrating to see how our internal attitude has changed this much. If we want to run with the "everyone else is doing it" attitude, that's fine, but it seems like, at the very least, we need to start changing slogans and things from "Keep it Simple, Stupid" to "What Does Debian Do?" or something.
2008/3/18, Tobias Powalowski <t.powa@gmx.de>:
Nothing is broken here. Reinstalled grub on MBR and booted fine. Signed off (i686). -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
Am Mittwoch, 19. März 2008 08:41:15 schrieb Roman Kyrylych:
Signed off (i686).
signed-off x86_64 -- archlinux.de
participants (6)
Aaron Griffin
Dan McGee
Jan de Groot
Pierre Schmitz
Roman Kyrylych
Tobias Powalowski