[arch-dev-public] Integrity Check x86_64: core, extra, community 12-02-2010
================================================== = Integrity Check x86_64 of core,extra,community = ================================================== Performing integrity checks... ==> parsing pkgbuilds ==> parsing db files ==> checking mismatches ==> checking archs ==> checking dependencies ==> checking makedepends ==> checking hierarchy ==> checking for circular dependencies ==> checking for differences between db files and pkgbuilds Duplicate PKGBUILDs --------------------- /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/perl-xml-namespacesupport vs. /srv/abs/rsync/x86_64/extra/perl-xml-namespacesupport Missing Dependencies ---------------------- community/airsnort --> 'wlan-ng26-utils' community/qtemu --> 'qt4>=4.1' community/sysprof-module --> 'kernel26<2.6.' extra/archboot --> 'libdownload>=1.3-3' extra/archboot --> 'tdb>=3.3.7-1' extra/archboot --> 'wlan-ng26-utils>=0.2.9-1' extra/koffice-meta-koffice-doc --> 'koffice-krita-doc' Missing Makedepends --------------------- extra/v86d --> 'kernel26<2.6.30' Repo Hierarchy for Dependencies --------------------------------- extra/munin depends on community/perl-html-template (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/munin depends on community/perl-log-log4perl (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/munin-node depends on community/perl-net-server (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/pan depends on community/gmime22 (0 extra (make)deps to pull) Repo Hierarchy for Makedepends -------------------------------- core/ca-certificates depends on extra/ruby (25 extra (make)deps to pull) core/crda depends on extra/python-m2crypto (26 extra (make)deps to pull) core/e2fsprogs depends on extra/bc (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/groff depends on extra/ghostscript (137 extra (make)deps to pull) core/groff depends on extra/netpbm (45 extra (make)deps to pull) core/groff depends on extra/psutils (138 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/docbook-xsl (26 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/libxslt (25 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/opensp (30 extra (make)deps to pull) core/sqlite3 depends on extra/tcl (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev depends on extra/gobject-introspection (26 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev depends on extra/gperf (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev depends on extra/libxslt (25 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev-compat depends on extra/gobject-introspection (26 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev-compat depends on extra/gperf (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev-compat depends on extra/libxslt (25 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/bigloo depends on community/jdk (1 extra (make)deps to pull : jre) extra/dbus-python depends on community/docutils (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/gnome-speech depends on community/espeak (2 extra (make)deps to pull : portaudio docutils) extra/grml-zsh-config depends on community/txt2tags (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/opengtl depends on community/llvm (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/xqf depends on community/chrpath (0 extra (make)deps to pull) Packages found in db, but not in tree --------------------------------------- community/perl-xml-namespacesupport extra/koffice-l10n-fy extra/koffice-l10n-hne extra/koffice-l10n-wa extra/openoffice-as extra/openoffice-ast extra/openoffice-is extra/openoffice-kn extra/openoffice-lv extra/openoffice-ml extra/openoffice-mr extra/openoffice-om extra/openoffice-or extra/openoffice-ro extra/openoffice-si extra/openoffice-te extra/openoffice-ug Packages found in tree, but not in db --------------------------------------- community/kbd-ru-keymaps extra/koffice-l10n-hi extra/openoffice-en-US Summary --------- Missing PKGBUILDs: 0 Invalid PKGBUILDs: 0 Mismatching PKGBUILD names: 0 Duplicate PKGBUILDs: 1 Invalid archs: 0 Missing (make)dependencies: 8 Repo hierarchy problems: 26 Circular dependencies: 0 In db, but not in tree: 17 In tree, but not in db: 3
Duplicate PKGBUILDs --------------------- /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/perl-xml-namespacesupport vs. /srv/abs/rsync/x86_64/extra/perl-xml-namespacesupport
Appears to be my fault, BUT I am/was the maintainer of that package in community and was never informed that it was moved to extra. Some bits of communication would be nice in this respect.
--------------------------------- extra/munin depends on community/perl-html-template (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/munin depends on community/perl-log-log4perl (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/munin-node depends on community/perl-net-server (0 extra (make)deps to pull)
I will happily move the above three to extra and maintain them as long as I am still a dev. BTW is there a special procedure or helper script for moving packages from community to extra? I mean besides removing on sigurd and adding on gerolde? François
On 13/02/10 20:49, Firmicus wrote:
BTW is there a special procedure or helper script for moving packages from community to extra? I mean besides removing on sigurd and adding on gerolde?
No, nothing special...
On 13/02/2010 11:51, Allan McRae wrote:
On 13/02/10 20:49, Firmicus wrote:
BTW is there a special procedure or helper script for moving packages from community to extra? I mean besides removing on sigurd and adding on gerolde?
No, nothing special...
Ok thanks. Doing it now.
On 13/02/2010 11:51, Allan McRae wrote:
On 13/02/10 20:49, Firmicus wrote:
BTW is there a special procedure or helper script for moving packages from community to extra? I mean besides removing on sigurd and adding on gerolde?
No, nothing special...
Quick question just to be sure: do I need to increment pkgrel when moving a pkg from community to extra? F
On 14/02/10 00:16, Firmicus wrote:
On 13/02/2010 11:51, Allan McRae wrote:
On 13/02/10 20:49, Firmicus wrote:
BTW is there a special procedure or helper script for moving packages from community to extra? I mean besides removing on sigurd and adding on gerolde?
No, nothing special...
Quick question just to be sure:
do I need to increment pkgrel when moving a pkg from community to extra?
If you actually rebuild it, then I say yes. Otherwise, we end up with two packages with the same pkgver and pkgrel that are different. If you just grab the package from community and upload it to extra, then no.
On 13/02/2010 15:20, Allan McRae wrote:
On 14/02/10 00:16, Firmicus wrote:
Quick question just to be sure:
do I need to increment pkgrel when moving a pkg from community to extra?
If you actually rebuild it, then I say yes. Otherwise, we end up with two packages with the same pkgver and pkgrel that are different. If you just grab the package from community and upload it to extra, then no.
I would only have rebuilt them if increasing pkgrel had been required. Since it is not, I'll simply upload the packages from community and keep the same pkgver-pkgrel. Thanks F
participants (3)
Allan McRae