[arch-dev-public] Disable corepkg?
Hi, Since we don't want people to push to core directly how about removing corepkg from devtools? For the few cases where pushing to core directly is needed one can simply use "commitpkg core" instead. If nobody objects I'll submit a patch to devtools in about a week. Tracking bug so I don't forget: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/41013
On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at> wrote: the new method, just curious if this is in reaction to something happening. -Dan
On 27.06.2014 22:34, Dan McGee wrote:
pptpclient got pushed to core after a discussion on IRC which I readly shortly and it seemed that it should have gone to testing.
That was my fault. I have accidentally released pptpclient to [extra] yesterday, so the package was already released there and an old version was in [core]. I have decided that it would be better to move it to [core] directly because everybody who use the package already have installed it. This will not happen again, and I don't see a reason to remove corepkg from devtools. So -1 from my side. Cheers, Daniel Am 27.06.2014 23:03 schrieb "Florian Pritz" <bluewind@xinu.at>:
participants (3)
Dan McGee
Daniel Isenmann
Florian Pritz