[arch-dev-public] Repository Maintenance 29-08-2008 06:00
Scan complete for extra (i686) at /home/ftp/extra/os/i686/ The following files are out of date They will be moved to /home/package-cleanup hibernate-script-1.96-2.pkg.tar.gz Scan complete for extra (x86_64) at /home/ftp/extra/os/x86_64/ The following files are out of date They will be moved to /home/package-cleanup hibernate-script-1.96-2.pkg.tar.gz Scan complete for testing (i686) at /home/ftp/testing/os/i686/ The following files are out of date They will be moved to /home/package-cleanup miro-1.2.4-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz Scan complete for testing (x86_64) at /home/ftp/testing/os/x86_64/ The following files are out of date They will be moved to /home/package-cleanup miro-1.2.4-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz
participants (1)
repomaintï¼ archlinux.org