[arch-dev-public] Gone for the next couple of weeks
Yo! Sunday evening I'm heading for a cabin trip where we don't have water and electricity is all solar power my dad rigged up a couple of years ago :) It's going to be great. I'm also moving from Bergen to Oslo next weekend! I need to spend some time to settle inn I expect I'll do less upkeep on my regular package maintaining as a result (also getting vaccinated 🥳). I should still be reachable on Matrix or Signal if there is anything urgent, but might not keep that much up with email! I have attached a list of packages I'm the sole maintainer of, but there is nothing here which should require anything urgent while I'm gone 😃. Have a lovely summer! If you want to adopt and need nvchecker stuff, please do check my repo: https://github.com/Foxboron/archlinux-pkgbuilds/blob/master/.repo/packages.t... λ ~ » /usr/bin/pkgsearch -m Foxboron archlinux-contrib archlinux-repro b4 barrier bmusb bucklespring catatonit cni-plugins conmon crun dqlite flatpak-xdg-utils fuse-overlayfs gopls go-tools hy i3-gaps influxdb jgmenu libmd libslirp mopidy nageru nano-syntax-highlighting pass-otp pdfjs perl-data-perl perl-gnupg-interface perl-moox-handlesvia perl-moox-late perl-strictures perl-sub-handlesvia perl-type-tiny plocate podman-dnsname protege python2-docs python2-typing python-adblock python-babel python-docs python-dotty-dict python-flask-babel python-guzzle-sphinx-theme python-halo python-hid python-hjson python-jsonrpclib-pelix python-keyutils python-ldap python-log_symbols python-m2crypto python-milc python-nbxmpp python-nltk python-pew python-pydbus python-pydocstyle python-pydrive python-pygame python-pykka python-pypeg2 python-pywal python-reportlab python-rope python-send2trash python-shutilwhich python-speaklater python-sphinx-autorun python-spinners python-sqlobject python-sqlparse python-typed-ast python-xlib qmk qprint raft runc screenkey signing-party skopeo slirp4netns staticcheck step-ca tailscale toolbox vim-ultisnips -- Morten Linderud PGP: 9C02FF419FECBE16
participants (1)
Morten Linderud