[arch-dev-public] [signoff] libgcrypt 1.4.5-1
new minor upstream release. remove texinfo dep that we now check at install time. please signoff. -Andy http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2009q4/000295.html The GNU project is pleased to announce the availability of Libgcrypt version 1.4.5. Libgcrypt is a general purpose library of cryptographic building blocks. It is originally based on code used by GnuPG. It does not provide any implementation of OpenPGP or other protocols. Thorough understanding of applied cryptography is required to use Libgcrypt. Noteworthy changes in version 1.4.5: * Fixed minor memory leak in DSA key generation. * No more switching to FIPS mode if /proc/version is not readable. * Fixed a sigill during Padlock detection on old CPUs. * Fixed a hang on some W2000 machines. * Boosted SHA-512 performance by 30% on ia32 boxes and gcc 4.3; SHA-256 went up by 25%.
Signoff for both architectures. Works fine, no visible regressions.
participants (2)
Andreas Radke
Jan de Groot