[arch-dev-public] linux-manpages
In the past we have packaged man9 section of kernel docs. Upstream removed the man pages section in 4.14 release. There are now different types of kernel docs available (make help output): Documentation targets: Linux kernel internal documentation in different formats from ReST: htmldocs - HTML latexdocs - LaTeX pdfdocs - PDF epubdocs - EPUB xmldocs - XML linkcheckdocs - check for broken external links (will connect to external hosts) refcheckdocs - check for references to non-existing files under Documentation cleandocs - clean all generated files make SPHINXDIRS="s1 s2" [target] Generate only docs of folder s1, s2 valid values for SPHINXDIRS are: crypto networking input media core-api userspace-api process driver-api sh admin-guide doc-guide filesystems dev-tools kernel-hacking sound gpu make SPHINX_CONF={conf-file} [target] use *additional* sphinx-build2 configuration. This is e.g. useful to build with nit-picking config. Default location for the generated documents is Documentation/output The recent docs are available online here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/# Should we keep packaging this at all or drop it? Is there anybody who want to take this package over? I'm not interested in packaging this though maintenance work is low. -Andy
Am Sat, 31 Mar 2018 14:01:03 +0200 schrieb Andreas Radke via arch-dev-public <arch-dev-public@archlinux.org>:
I'm going to drop it from the repos within the next 48hours if nobody jumps in. Online docs are available. I see no need to keep packaging this. -Andy
participants (1)
Andreas Radke