Re: [arch-dev-public] [tur-users] UID/GID db sync
2007/11/8, Firmicus <>:
Roman Kyrylych a écrit :
Just FYI - I've synced both databases on our devwiki and public wiki. Please everyone adding new UID/GID to database - do this as well.
Users maintaining packages in AUR should check the db on wiki [1] to make sure there are no conflicts with already existing UIDs/GIDs. It is adviced to post a request first before adding UID/GID. Do not add them without a need.
[1] P.S.: I'm watching this page so I'll do syncs when needed.
I notice one omission:
* davfs2 from extra creates user/group davfs2 with UID/GID = 88 (! conflicts with postgres !)
That's bad. davfs2 should change UID/GID.
Some observations (probably irrelevant):
* texlive-core creates group tex (no particular GID).
* vmware-workstation creates group vmware (no particular GID) -- but this is in unsupported, so you probably won't put it in the db.
Yep, I don't know if it's worth to assign a defined GID to it. About changing UID/GID for davfs2, texlive-core & vmware-*: This could break already existing user setups (in some cases even leading to files/dirs with old GID unexistent in new /etc/groups). An example how to handle such situations can be seen in mlocate's .install file, but in case of VMware it would be hard (or impossible?) to search for files/dirs with vmware group. For texlive-core and davfs2 it should be done, I think.
* On my machine I also have group "testing" with GID 105, but I don't know where that comes from. Should I remove it?
I don't think such GID exists in Core&Extra, probably it's some crap. You can use find to search for files with that GID to be sure. -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)
participants (1)
Roman Kyrylych