[arch-dev-public] SVN Cleanup
The following 385 packages have been removed from the [core]/[extra] repositories but not from SVN (svn-packages): * abcm2ps-devel * abcm2ps * achessclock * acroread * adzapper * aide * aif * amd-ucode * apolos * ar9170-fw * archlinux-themes-gdm * arts * ascii * azureus * bcm43xx-fwcutter * bglibs * bincimap * bioperl * bitlbee-devel * black-box * bluez-gnome * bluez-hcidump * breeze * bumprace * bungmeter * capi4k-utils * catalyst-mm * ccmalloc * cgoban * checkpassword * circuslinux * clanlib * clustalw * clusterit * clutter-gtk2 * consolekit * dailystrips * dbus-core * devicekit-disks * devicekit-power * devicekit * dirsync * docutils * duhdraw * ecore * edje * eet * eeze * efilinux-efi * efreet * eggdbus * eina * eio * eject * emboss * embryo * emelfm * emotion * enlightenment17 * ethumb * evas * evolution-exchange * expectk * farsight2 * fasta * fcpci * fcpcmcia * fontcacheproto * foomatic-db-hpijs * foomatic-db-ppd * fortunelock * fortune-mod-buffy * fortune-mod-xfiles * fprint_demo * freepops * frostwire * fte * fwlogwatch * gav * gcalctool * gcc4.6 * gdisk * gecko-sharp-2.0 * gen-init-cpio * gforth * gfpoken * ggv * ggz-client-libs * giftcurs * gimp-devel * gimp-print-lprng * ginac * gir-repository * gluezilla * gmoo * gnash-kde * gnome-build * gnome-games-extra-data * gnome-games * gnome-pilot-conduits * gnome-utils * gnotime * gnu-efi * gnupg2 * go-openoffice * gozer * gscanbus * gspcav1 * gtk2-themes-collection * gtk3-engines * gtkatlantic * gtkhtml * gtklife * gwenview-i18n * gwenview * haskell-hp-parallel * haskell-utf8-string * heirloom-mailx * hibernate-script * hmmer * host * ices * ifp-line * initscripts * intel-536ep * intel-537 * iptraf * ipw3945d * ipw3945-mm * ipw3945 * ipw3945-ucode * ivman * iwlwifi-1000-ucode * iwlwifi-3945-ucode * iwlwifi-4965-ucode * iwlwifi-5000-ucode * iwlwifi-5150-ucode * iwlwifi-6000-ucode * jabberd * java-common * java-meta * jdk * jikes * jpegpixi * j * jre * kdeaddons * kde-common * kdetv * kdmtheme * kernel26-lts * kernel26mm * kernel26 * kiosktool * kkbswitch * klogic * kmyfirewall * knetload * knockd * konq-plugins * kqemu * ksensors * kvm * lablgtk * labplot * lancelot * lde * lexter * lft * libaal * libcapsinetwork * libdjvu * libeap * libfwbuilder * libggz * libgnomecups * libiodbc * libkexif * libmath++ * libopensync * libpano12 * libticables * libticalcs * libtifiles * libui-sh * libusb1 * libusbx * libvisual-bmp * libxfontcache * lilo * lirc-mm * madwifi-mm * madwifi-utils * maelstrom * mage * magicpoint * mailx * makepasswd * martian-utils * mbrowse * mcrypt * metatheme * microcode_ctl * miro * mkbootcd * mkinitrd * mod_hosts_access * monodevelop-debugger-mdb * monodoc * mozillaqs * mpage * mplayer-svn * ms-sys * muscle * mx * nacl-toolchain-newlib * nagios-nrpe * nant * netris * nhc98 * nip2-devel * nip2 * njb-sharp * nouveau-drm * nouveau-firmware * nph * nvidia-173xx * nvidia-173xx-utils * nvidia-71xx * nvidia-71xx-utils * nvidia-96xx-mm * nvidia-96xx * nvidia-96xx-utils * nvidia-mm * ocfs2-tools * ooodi2 * oooqs2 * openoffice-base-beta * openoffice-base-devel * openoffice-base * openoffice-i18n * openoffice-spell-de * openoffice-spell-en * openoffice-spell-es * openoffice-spell-fr * openoffice-spell-nl * openoffice-spell-pt * openoffice-spell-ru * openoffice-spell-sv * openupsmart * opera-devel * opera * pam_fprint * pam_passwdqc * pavuk * pcsx-df * pdns * penguin-command * pente * perl-archive-tar * perl-lmap-cid2spf * perl-newt * perl-passwd-md5 * phylip * pipemeter * pmt * pngwriter * prekin * procps * proxsmtp * pycmail * python-distribute * python-pysqlite-legacy * qemu-kvm * quick-lounge-applet * rasmol * reiser4progs * rip * rt2870usb-fw * rt2x00-rt61-fw * rt2x00-rt71w-fw * sash * schafkopf * scheme48 * scsh * sdl_perl * seahorse-plugins * seamonkey * selectwm * seom-svn * setuptools * sfs * showimg * silc-toolkit * sim * skim * snapscreenshot * sn * sonypid * spassgen * spicctrl * sqlite2 * ssldump * stow * streamtuner * synaesthesia * synaptics * tcoffee * teg * telepathy-butterfly * telepathy-farsight * telepathy-kde-call-ui * telepathy-kde-presence-dataengine * telepathy-qt4 * telepathy-sofiasip * termcap-compat * terminatorx * tetex * tiacx-mm * tilp * tomcat * toppler * tpop3d * trm * tunepimp * tuxmath * tuxnes * tuxtype * twisted-web * ucspi-ssl * ucspi-tcp * ucspi-unix * umfpack * util-linux-ng * vectoroids * vips-devel * vips * vtun * wimax * wimax-tools * windowmaker-crm-git * wlan-ng26-mm * wlan-ng26 * wlan-ng26-utils * xalf * xconq * xf86-input-calcomp * xf86-input-citron * xf86-input-digitaledge * xf86-input-dmc * xf86-input-dynapro * xf86-input-elo2300 * xf86-input-jamstudio * xf86-input-magellan * xf86-input-magictouch * xf86-input-microtouch * xf86-input-palmax * xf86-input-spaceorb * xf86-input-summa * xf86-input-tek4957 * xf86-input-ur98 * xf86-video-i810 * xf86-video-intel-legacy * xf86-video-unichrome * xf86-video-vga * xfce4-icon-theme * xfce4-messenger-plugin * xfce4-playercontrol-plugin * xfce4-screenshooter-plugin * xfce4-xmms-plugin * xfce-mcs-manager * xfce-mcs-plugins * xgalaga++ * xpenguins * xpenguins_themes * xpp * xrally * xscorch * xvattr * yabasic * yudit * zebra * zope2 * zope * zsync 266 of these have been deleted more than three years ago. Any objections against dropping all of them? If desired, I can create a similar list of packages for svn-community.
Le mardi 5 août 2014, 14:57:05 Lukas Fleischer a écrit :
drop them, same with community -- Laurent Carlier http://www.archlinux.org
On 05/08/14 22:57, Lukas Fleischer wrote:
Do it. Can you check they all made it to the AUR too? A
On di, 2014-08-05 at 23:04 +1000, Allan McRae wrote:
Do it. Can you check they all made it to the AUR too?
AUR makes no sense when those packages were killed because nothing needs it anymore. Why would you put something like xf86-video-i810 in AUR if it doesn't build since the day it was removed?
On 5 August 2014 18:57, Lukas Fleischer <archlinux@cryptocrack.de> wrote:
These are all forgotten leftovers. Just purge them -- svn has their history anyway so anyone can recover any of these directories given the last known revision. -- GPG/PGP ID: C0711BF1
On Tue, 05 Aug 2014 at 14:57:05, Lukas Fleischer wrote:
Done [1, 2]. [1] https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/commit/?id=d32f31fa77 [2] https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/commit/?id=cceccbfd81
participants (5)
Allan McRae
Jan de Groot
Laurent Carlier
Lukas Fleischer
Rashif Ray Rahman