[arch-dev-public] Integrity Check x86_64: core, extra, community 02-10-2009
================================================== = Integrity Check x86_64 of core,extra,community = ================================================== Performing integrity checks... ==> parsing pkgbuilds ==> parsing db files ==> checking mismatches ==> checking archs ==> checking dependencies ==> checking makedepends ==> checking hierarchy ==> checking for circular dependencies ==> checking for differences between db files and pkgbuilds Duplicate PKGBUILDs --------------------- /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/ruby-hpricot vs. /srv/abs/rsync/x86_64/community/ruby-hpricot /srv/abs/rsync/any/extra/memtest86+ vs. /srv/abs/rsync/x86_64/extra/memtest86+ /srv/abs/rsync/x86_64/core/lvm2 vs. /srv/abs/rsync/x86_64/core/device-mapper Missing Dependencies ---------------------- community/cdfs --> 'kernel26<2.6.1' community/eclipse-ve --> 'eclipse<3.3' community/open-vm-tools-modules --> 'kernel26<2.6.1' community/qc-usb-messenger --> 'kernel26<2.6.1' core/lvm2 --> 'device-mapper>=1.02.38' extra/archboot --> 'libdownload>=1.3-3' extra/bmpx --> 'gstreamer0.10-alsa' extra/bmpx --> 'gstreamer0.10-cdparanoia' extra/bmpx --> 'gstreamer0.10-vorbis' Missing Makedepends --------------------- community/pandoc --> 'haskell-zip-archive' community/tvision --> 'gcc34' extra/kdelibs3 --> 'autoconf<2.64' extra/v86d --> 'kernel26<2.6.30' Repo Hierarchy for Dependencies --------------------------------- extra/haskell-hashed-storage depends on community/haskell-zlib (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/neverball depends on community/physfs (0 extra (make)deps to pull) Repo Hierarchy for Makedepends -------------------------------- core/ca-certificates depends on extra/ruby (25 extra (make)deps to pull) core/crda depends on extra/python-m2crypto (27 extra (make)deps to pull) core/e2fsprogs depends on extra/bc (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/docbook-xsl (27 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/libxslt (25 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/opensp (29 extra (make)deps to pull) core/sqlite3 depends on extra/tcl (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev depends on extra/gperf (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev depends on extra/libxslt (25 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/gnome-speech depends on community/espeak (1 extra (make)deps to pull : portaudio) Packages found in db, but not in tree --------------------------------------- community/thunderbird-spell-i18n community/thunderbird-spell-ru-ie community/thunderbird-spell-ru-yo extra/thunderbird-en-gb extra/thunderbird-es extra/thunderbird-es-ar extra/thunderbird-ga extra/thunderbird-nb extra/thunderbird-nn extra/thunderbird-pa extra/thunderbird-pt extra/thunderbird-pt-br extra/thunderbird-sv extra/thunderbird-zh-cn extra/thunderbird-zh-tw Packages found in tree, but not in db --------------------------------------- community/elitaire-svn community/epsilon-svn community/exhibit-svn extra/thunderbird-en-GB extra/thunderbird-es-AR extra/thunderbird-es-ES extra/thunderbird-ga-IE extra/thunderbird-nb-NO extra/thunderbird-nn-NO extra/thunderbird-pa-IN extra/thunderbird-pt-BR extra/thunderbird-pt-PT extra/thunderbird-sv-SE extra/thunderbird-zh-CN extra/thunderbird-zh-TW Summary --------- Missing PKGBUILDs: 0 Invalid PKGBUILDs: 0 Mismatching PKGBUILD names: 0 Duplicate PKGBUILDs: 3 Invalid archs: 0 Missing (make)dependencies: 13 Repo hierarchy problems: 12 Circular dependencies: 0 In db, but not in tree: 15 In tree, but not in db: 15
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