[arch-dev-public] Online Arch Linux Conference
Yo! Because of COVID-19 I assume most people have had some conference plans cancelled this year. FroSCon has had an Arch Linux devroom the past years, but as we are not meeting physically I guess that isn't happening either. Thus I want to try rally some people and have an online Arch Linux conference/devroom. There are not any major ambitions really. This can be a few hours an evening, or a weekend event. We will see what we figure out :) # Ideas Some of the ideas I have had so far is as roughly: * Team Q&A * Talks/presentations * team member and the wider community * Interactive streams * See how packagers do their work? * Arch Linux installation speedruns(?) * Workshops? Feel free to email me offlist, or poke me on other platforms, if you have other great ideas that could work! # Organization To organize we would need some help and might need some roles filled. This is a shortlist of the ones I can come up with. But I'm sure there are more tasks and roles needed: * Art-work/graphics * Help figuring out streaming * Planning and handling CFP There is no requirement to be on the Arch team to contribute. If you think you have anything to contribute, please do come talk with me! Need every help one can get :) # Meeting Below is a suggested meeting date for interested parties to attend. I'm unsure if it's going to be mumble or purely text based. Date of meeting: 4th of August 19:00 CEST (UTC+2) - https://everytimezone.com/s/a5112249 IRC: #archlinux-conf @ freenode Cheers! -- Morten Linderud PGP: 9C02FF419FECBE16
On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 04:17:44PM +0200, Morten Linderud wrote:
Just to clarify, this is the date for the initial planning of the conference. Not the conference date itself :) -- Morten Linderud PGP: 9C02FF419FECBE16
On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 04:45:17PM +0200, Morten Linderud wrote:
Surely y'all haven't grown tired of my emails yet :) The meeting for the initial planning of the conf is today in 5 hours. Feel free to attend if you want to contribute, or contact me if you have nice! -- Morten Linderud PGP: 9C02FF419FECBE16
A quick followup after last weeks meeting! The conference date is going to on the 10th and 11th of October. This was probably the most important thing to decide on so we have something to work towards. For the Call for Participation (CFP), we have been looking at utilizing pretalx. It's Open software, along with beeing used for the Chaos Communication Congress for a number of years, ang other conferences. Currently I'm trying to figure out if we can reach some deal with them, or self-host it. https://pretalx.com/p/about/ For the streaming itself we are looking at using the Chaos Computer Club VOC and media services. This would allow us to piggyback on great infrastructure for the stream distribution, along with keeping the recording of the talks. https://media.ccc.de/ There currently is some technical stuff that needs to be fixed and figured out regarding mixing and rtmp stream forwarding. The next meeting is going to be 18th of August, 19:00 CEST. #archlinux-conf @ freenode. The plan is to try have meeting on regular intervals and keep them under an hour. Feel free to join the next mumble meeting! Sorry for not sending this out sooner, I have been in the middle of between two apartments :) And for fun, here is me testing some stream overlay stuff: https://paste.xinu.at/Y9pK34lmjujXF/ -- Morten Linderud PGP: 9C02FF419FECBE16
participants (1)
Morten Linderud