[arch-dev-public] [draft] - Arch Linux Logo Competition Announcement
Hey everyone, Damn, I dropped the ball here - I wanted to have this draft ready Saturday morning so you'd have all weekend to look it over and correct all my horrid mistakes, but things came up and I got busy. :( In any case, I'll still give a couple of days to review the draft - I'll post it Thursday of this week. Anyway, here's the announcement I wish to put up for the Logo Competition. This will go on the homepage, in the announcements forum section, and to the arch-announce mailing list. One additional thread will be created, stickied and locked, to collect submissions; I will be filtering through my email daily and posting submissions to this thread. I figure this would be the cleanest way to accept submissions without the submission thread possibly getting spammed with non-submissions. Anyway, here's the text: --------------------------------------------------------- Arch Linux Logo Competition Hello everyone! As you may have heard, the Arch logo as we know it is going the way of the dodo! We are refreshing our graphical identity, and in that spirit we're having a logo competition, open to the entire Arch community! We want to know what you think of when you think Arch Linux - what logo do you think would best suit the distribution we've all come to love? Submission guidelines are as follows: . Anyone can submit as many logo concepts as they wish . Entry is freeform, with no need to base it on current logo. Be creative! . All entries will become property of Arch Linux. Once the winning entry has been chosen, we will return rights of all other logos to their original authors, however the winning logo will remain property of Arch. Per submission, you will need: . SVG sources for logo preferred. If you don't know how to make SVG logos, but have a great idea, visit this[1] thread; foxbunny has graciously stepped up to help with logo concepts. . Fill out the following on this submission sheet[2] (courtesy of foxbunny) .. Name (or alias) .. Main logo areas (white/black/neutral BG) .. 2-colour or Black version .. 128x128px and 16x16px icon version .. Colour palette used All other fields are optional - you do not need them to create a submission, and omission of those options will not count negatively against you. Submit completed submission sheet attached in an email to travis AT archlinux.org. They will be posted in this[3] thread; two weeks after the date of this post, we will collect all submissions in that thread and judge. Judging will be the job of the Developers, and will proceed as follows: All submissions will be posted to the [arch-dev] private mailing list, and developers will give their +1 to those logos they like. They may add a +1 to more than one submission - once all developers are accounted for, the logo with the most +1 votes will win. Should multiple logo submissions tie for first place, those entries will be announced to the community, and we will have a community vote on the forums. The logo voted highest in this case will be the winner. Arch will retain all the rights of the winning logo, and will properly credit the winning author in all appropriate ways. We will want to use the logo for additional media - CD labels or wallpapers, for example. The winning author, should they so desire, may create this additional media at this point for Arch's use. Should they decline to create this additional media, the developers will have it created by another willing volunteer. Please note: there are also threads for logo concept discussion[4] and for showing off possible concepts, without entering them into the competition[5]. Feel free to make use of them. Good luck to all participants, and have fun! [1] http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=38666 [2] http://www.archlinux.org/~travis/logo-contest/submission-blank.png [2] (URL to go here once the thread is created) [3] http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=38051 [4] http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=290216 -------------------------------------------------------- Please look over the announcement for anything you'd like to fix. Thanks! -- Travis
It all looks good to me, except this paragraph: On 10/21/07, Travis Willard <travis@archlinux.org> wrote:
I know what you mean by it, but it reads kinda threatening to me. Dunno why.
On Sun, Oct 21, 2007 at 11:21:46PM -0400, Travis Willard wrote:
Ok, well I'm not a lawyer but I don't think either of these conditions would hold a drop of water in court. Why? Because the entries are becoming property of 'arch linux', which is not an entity. In order to own property, or rights, or whatever, you have to be a legal entity, whether that's a person, a corporation, or whatever. So basically you're saying something that doesn't exist will become the owner of the rights :-/ Some quickie things that come to mind would be stipulating a license that would let us *use* the logo (although that's not desirable, we've already seen why we need to *OWN* it), or say that the rights become the property of some entity we trust *glances at Aaron*. But again, I'm not lawyer so I have no idea. Paul, is there a chance you could give us some insight on how best to handle this? -S
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 01:02:38 -0500 Simo Leone <simo@archlinux.org> wrote:
Hm, yes, I agree with what you have to say here - there was a bit of a discussion on the forums about this passage too. To be totally honest, I was winging it, trying to come up with something that both suited the best interests of Arch but also credited the original author, however I'm generally clueless about licensing - I try reading up on them as well, but it just flies over my head, try as I might. I think before we can do this contest we really need the input of someone who really KNOWS licensing - someone on the forum who apparently practices law in Belgium suggested Creative Commons as a suitable license for this - but again, I have no clue. Help? -- Travis
On 10/22/07, Travis Willard <travis@archlinux.org> wrote:
I think the quickest thing to do, for right now, is to pass on all rights to me - that is, assuming everyone trusts me. I'm looking into what it means to make Arch a fully legal entity when it comes to this stuff, but for now the best idea might be to pass rights on to me, in the same way that Judd used to own some of this stuff.
Would anyone have a problem with this? I'm more trying to short-circuit this here, so we can get the context underway.
On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 10:13:04PM -0500, Aaron Griffin wrote:
This was the "Easy Way Out" (tm) that I had in mind. We can figure out the details later, but for now this is the simplest (and the one i'm most sure of) way to do things. -S
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 22:36:51 -0500 Simo Leone <simo@archlinux.org> wrote:
Thayer has this to say: ------ Hi Travis, I saw your comment on the ML and I just wanted to suggest that contest continue as planned while the final licensing policy is settled on. We artists can "show" our conceptual designs under copyright. After the contest (and assuming the license debate is settled) the chosen artist can decide whether to proceed with the open license you choose at that time. If not, the next runner up could be chosen, etc. IMO, this legal debate is one of those things that could continue for another week or even longer and at that point, the community enthusiasm for the contest itself may be significantly diminished. If we start the contest now, it gives the devs at least two weeks to agree on the license requirements for the chosen artwork.... but that's just my two cents :) Thayer ------- Thoughts? I agree with his sentiment to get this going quickly, however I want to make sure we've covered our butts properly. -- Travis
On 10/23/07, Travis Willard <travis@archlinux.org> wrote:
Yes, lets do it. Each author will maintain the copyright of their work with the intent to LATER give it over to us, but we don't need to mention all this malarky. Lets just change the blurb to say something to the effect of "for the sake of moving the competition along, artists will maintain their own copyright until the completion of the competition when we've decided what to do with license issues"
Ok, announcement looks good. Including the last statement I made, it'd be nice if we could officially launch the competition tonight some time. Travis, if you're unavailable, I can post the announcements for ya. Thanks, Aaron
participants (3)
Aaron Griffin
Simo Leone
Travis Willard