On February 18, 2019 4:57:16 AM EST, Morten Linderud via arch-devops <arch-devops@lists.archlinux.org> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 04:48:57AM -0500, Daniel M. Capella via arch-devops wrote:
It would be a bit benefitial if you made an argument instead of posting a link.
Learned about it after a check for that file was added to twa[]. Shared as it was relevant.
I'll quote somebody elses experience with this, which makes me inclined to believe this is a bad idea in general.
As we're requiring encrypted communications (IIUC), it looks like that's been a fairly effective barrier.
It's also worth noting that the link is not an argument for, or against, a "security@archlinux.org" address in contrast to a listing of team members. This is just an option to make it known.
[]: https://github.com/trailofbits/twa -- Best, polyzen