On 21/06/2020 03.27, Sven-Hendrik Haase via arch-devops wrote:
Hey all,
I propose adding Frederik Schwan to the devops team. He's eager to help Arch, he's knowledgeable, and does devops professionally. He's got a good amount of experience with mail stacks and cloud stuff and he'd like to help us out.
In fact, he's already helped quite a bit with testing and some accessless devops tasks but the number of tasks requiring access that we currently have far outweigh the accessless tasks and I think he'd like to become more involved.
Cheers, Sven
DevOps team traditionally consisted of developers, with exception of fukawi who is a member of our community for longer than many packagers are. While I understand you trust Frederik, he joined Arch only recently and unless you have some particular task in mind, I don't see why he would need root access to the entire infrastructure. It should be no-brainer to let him access only specific VPSes or even create a disposable one only for testing purposes. Bart