On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 10:35, Jelle van der Waa <
jelle@vdwaa.nl> wrote:
On 05/06/2020 05:24, Sven-Hendrik Haase via arch-devops wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 05:14, Phillip Smith via arch-devops
> <arch-devops@lists.archlinux.org
> <mailto:arch-devops@lists.archlinux.org>> wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 12:19, Sven-Hendrik Haase via arch-devops
> <arch-devops@lists.archlinux.org
> <mailto:arch-devops@lists.archlinux.org>> wrote:
> I'll reiterate the suggestion I made before: Let's get an SX62
> and never worry about the archive space again. It's 10€ more. If
> we want to get it fast, we'll have to order it from the Helsinki
> location as we can expect long waiting times right now in their
> German locations (up to 10 workdays for the SX62 according to
> them). With your AX51 suggestion, we'll have an effective 8TB
> (RAID1) for 54€/m (Helsinki location) but with the SX62 we'll
> have an effective 30TB (RAID5) for 64€/m (Helsinki location). It
> seems like a much better bang for the buck to me.
> A 30tb RAID5 is terrifying to my mind.
> We can make it RAID6 but we'll have backups anyway.
Softraid or btrfs raid? I guess Phillipe's concern is the downtime when
replacing a faulty disk and rebuilding the array? And since this will
host dbscripts it's critical infrastructure.
FYI I ordered a SX62 in Falkenstein. We'll slap a RAID6 on it and that's that.