On Fri, 27 May 2016 17:36:08 +0200 Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at> wrote:
Got some private replies. Apparently some people do not filter their list mail. I never thought about that given I am subscribed to way too many lists for this to be bearable. I guess that's perfectly fine if you are only on one or a few low traffic lists though. Another issues I didn't think about is that the reply-to header is recommended to be signed by the RFC (if it is set) and our lists modify that header. I guess that's something even more people are used to than the subject prefix. I'll look into having mailman change the From address and resign the mail if that doesn't already work. I think it should, but I'll need to test it. Changing the list configs is probably to invasive so I'm dropping this. Thanks for the feedback guys! PS: Also sending this to arch-dev-public again so everyone sees the mail. Florian