Hi all, On 2018-07-28 there were some discussions in #archlinux-devops around setting up some sort of centralized logging/monitoring/alerting solution for the various services on Apollo (and maybe other?) server(s). I had mentioned possibly using the ELK[1] stack for this task. There was some back and forth about it potentially being a bit heavy handed for what was needed and how we would most likely need to repurpose/dedicate something like nymeria to handle the stack. There was also the suggestion of possibly using something like tenshi[2] if we're aiming for a low overhead solution, however, there would be much writing of the regexes. With that being said, the purpose of this email is to have a more formal discussion around what we're trying to capture from the logs, the actions we want to have taken with what ends up being captured, and possibly come to a consensus on what tool(s) we could leverage. Thoughts? Regards, Andrew [1] https://www.elastic.co/de/elk-stack [2]https://github.com/inversepath/tenshi