On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 at 20:24, Christian Rebischke via arch-devops <arch-devops@lists.archlinux.org> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 09:49:07PM +0700, Sven-Hendrik Haase via arch-devops wrote:
So what do you guys think about this? I think it's pretty good and we should jump on it. We can't post on Twitter as we don't have access to that. How about instead offering them to put their logo on the site? In case anyone is wondering, the price would be 16.4€ per month.
Hi, I think "sorry, we don't have access to our own arch linux twitter account" sounds really awkward (especially to marketeers). If I would be the marketeer over 1000 alarm bells would ring in my head, when I hear that distribution/company XY has no access to their own social media.
"We are not active on social media." — end of story and no alarm bells! They should be fine with a logo on the main website, as it's done for other sponsors too. Paying only 10% for an AX160-NVME sounds like a steal. We can then cancel soyuz after quassel/matrix/phrik have been moved to VMs.