Hello Jelle van der Waa,

My name is Kanchen Monnin, I live in Germany. I work as a system administrator for building infrastructure for the software factory of the company "Neofonie". I use ArchLinux as a working environment, and I want to get more interest and contribute at my level about devops stuff at ArchLinux. Is there a process for being part of the group ? or is there a selection ? I'm really motivate to learn more about ArchLinux and the community behind.

Thank you for your answer , And I wish you a great day.

Kanchen Monnin

Le mer. 9 oct. 2019 à 12:24, Jelle van der Waa <jelle@vdwaa.nl> a écrit :
Hi All,

This is a reminder for our bi-weekly devops meeting tomorrow 10-10-2019
at 19:30 - 20:30 UTC. I propose to host this edition on mumble, as it
allows for easier and more effective communication. (Sven can we use
your mumble instance?).

The agenda for the meeting is:

* Mirroring the Arch Linux Archive
* Gitlab PoC update
* Planet migration
* Mailman 2 status
* Lack of overview of services/hosts


Jelle van der Waa