Am 05.10.2015 um 19:44 schrieb Thomas Bächler:
Hello guys,
a user I met at FrOSCon this year and last year wants to organize an Arch Linux Devroom at FOSDEM on January 30th/31st [1]. We would need a few devs and TUs to be there at least. A program with a few talks would also be nice (users can also give talks, not only developers and TUs).
There is also the question whether we want the room on Saturday, Sunday, or both.
So, anyone who is interested to 1) help watch the room 2) give a talk 3) hold a discussion panel 4) bring hardware 5) generally be there 6) ...???? should reply until Wednesday so we can respect FOSDEM's deadline.
Does anyone have contact to the ALRAM guys? Maybe one of them will be on board. Or maybe there is another Arch-derivative that would join us?
I guess I forgot to mention this here, but FOSDEM did not give us a devroom. In any case, I will likely still be there.