On Tue 29 Jun 2010 23:34 +0200, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
Okay, so for my 2nd week (21-28 july), I have (almost) arranged a bed and breakfast close to the conf campus.
For my first week (14-21 july) I'm still not sure. Thanks for the hostel proposals. I've never been at a hostel and i'm somewhat hesitant to do so. While they seem nice (you get to meet people, they organise activities, you get food) 2 things scare me: 1) risk of theft. Somewhat alleviated i guess because most hostels have lockers. 2) loud/antisocial/.. room mates that keep you awake. I'm especially sensitive to this, more then average people :/
I heard some bad stories about issue #2 in a hostel in Belgium, would this be a general problem or is it somehow possible that different hostels really have different (in terms of maturity) audiences?
I'd say hostels are a game of chance. Sometimes it's awesome, sometimes it's not so awesome. You could probably change rooms if people are cramping your style. I wouldn't want to stay in a hostel for too long either though.