Jens Adam schrieb:
The displays: - 22" Samsung 226BW, VGA + DVI inputs, 1680x1050, black and shiny - 19" HannSpree, VGA + DVI inputs, 1440x900, integrated speakers and more adjustable than the Samsung
The PC shouldn't be much different than the one from last year, just smaller. - 2.2 GHz single-core Sempron, 2 GB RAM, onboard Nvidia chipset graphics, dual Gbit, VGA+DVI output
Can we use the nvidia for dualhead? Also, a USB CD drive or a USB key for installations is a necesity with this box.
I didn't try it yet, but our current 185.18.31-1 nvidia driver should support it. The harddisk (2,5") has 320 GB and can be used as you like, there's nothing on it.
Okay, that is sufficient. Considering it is his primary machine: Do we even need Gerhard's box then? Can someone else bring a secondary machine? I agree with Gerhard that the 40GB drive should be enough for experimentation and demonstration. I have a snapshot of our repos on my laptop anyway (which I can also use for demonstration purposes while I am around), so we could used FTP over LAN. I think I will bring the 120GB HD anyway.
I'll also bring a bunch of network stuff, like cables and a 16-port switch.
I have a 5-port which we could use for the booth, then we use your 16-port and my wireless AP for the project room.
If there's anything else coming to your mind that could be needed, just post it here or on the wiki.
I can't think of something right now. Anyone? Hmm, of course, keyboards and mice in a sufficient quantitiy :)