On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:11:07 -0600 Dusty Phillips <dusty@archlinux.ca> wrote:
Probably the majority of my time will be spent on York University Campus in North York. Don't try to find anywhere to stay around there, it's near Jane and Finch, the most dangerous area of town, and there is absolutely NOTHING to do in the region. It was an awful place to be a student. ;)
hmm. this place is pretty close to the conf area, and hence also Silverstone Drive (the place where I am considering to stay) :/
I may also spend a night or two in Thornhill (a district north of Toronto), and another night or two downtown at the intersection of College and Yonge. If I'm not at Tai Chi or working, I'll probably come downtown anyway, so I recommend you stay in that area for any time you are in the city but not near the conference. Downtown is where all the things to do are, and anything that isn't down there will have relatively easy transit.
With downtown, you mean the York/Yonge/financial district area? On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 21:14:19 -0400 "R. Alvez" <ralvez@ittwo.ca> wrote:
There are many places to eat and sleep in the vicinity of Humber College. Some are very close to Humber and others are not so close. For starters Dieter, how many people are with you? Are you on your own or are you coming along with someone else?
alone I seem to have underestimated a bit the magnitude of Toronto. From conf area to downtown is about 25-30 km, so it will be better if try to avoid going back forth every day. I think I'll do the Silverstone drive B&B around the conf, and for the non-conf days I'll find something else downtown, Dieter