On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 07:56:14PM +0200, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 07:21:35 +0200, Jens Adam wrote:
Hi folks,
next weekend is FrOSCon and I wanted to ask if there's anything I should bring with me.
I could offer: - TFT + Mini-ITX system for demo purposes - all sorts of networking stuff - power strips - a few Arch stickers
I think I'll only bring my netbook (including a full mirror) and the two banners from last year.
With 99% possibility i'll be there also. If neccassary, i could bring my desktop-PC+TFT - but AFAIK we share the booth and will not have enough place for 2 PCs...? Also the question: Do we need other hardware then Jen's one? To demonstarte something we could use also KVM on my Laptop (or a LVM LV)... Do we have a dev room / sleep room for the night? I bring a box with table water... Gerhard "gerbra"