On 26 June 2010 04:47, Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> wrote:
My idea is to come to toronto 10-14 days, to make the jetlag/long flight/.. a bit more worth it. I haven't found a companion for a road trip/tourist stuff/camping/.. for the non-conf days like i was hoping, so I will just hang around and see what happens. Anyway, I still have to choose a start and departure date, so I was wondering when you guys will come and go. So, other then 22/23 (conf talks) and 24/25 (conf tourist stuff), are there any days that anyone would want to do something?
I am arriving in Toronto on the 14th, I think, and leaving on the 26th or 27th. Most of the people I have talked to are coming on the 21 and leaving on the 26th. I will be somewhat busy while in Toronto, with Tai Chi training, but I'm open to joining any groups that want to do some touring. Dieter and I will probably taking a day to go to visit Niagara falls, so if anyone wants to join us, let's discuss whether to do that before or after the conference! Dusty