2010/8/16 Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be>:
So, where shall we hold the next ArchCon? And who is interested in (helping) organising it? I would suggest to do it in Europe, because there is a much higher concentration of Arch devs and users here. (I think) And I know Dusty wants to visit Europe :)
Some ideas: * Maybe we can do it together with Froscon. (like opensqlcamp does their sql conference at froscon) * I know there are some local schools and businesses in Belgium (Antwerp and Ghent) willing to provide rooms for free for tech/open source conferences. Probably similar opportunities exist in other countries. * ..?
Well... Froscon may be the most appropriate one, as far as the audience goes. Anyway, it occurred to me that next year there is the Chaos Communication Camp in Finowfurt, near Berlin, August 10th-14th[1]. Three years ago it was an incredible and unique event, even though more related to hacking in general than to linux and free software. It could still be and interesting thing, I don't know. Maybe, if dates match a bit, we could do both, one as ArchCon and the other as an informal meeting. I'll surely be at CCC, providing the camp with Italian Grappa[2] like last time ;-) Corrado [1] http://events.ccc.de/2010/08/10/chaos-communication-camp-2011/ [2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/jekil/1071329442/