17 Aug
17 Aug
9:30 a.m.
Dieter Plaetinck schrieb:
I forgot to add: - the cd's look nice - weren't there fancy boxes for the cd's as well last year? (not saying we need them again now, but they did look very nice :-)
No, they were just like this year. http://users.archlinux.de/~pierre/froscon/2008/2008-08-23_14-02-47.jpg
- on one hand it's good that you don't put the 'word' 2009.08 on it, as these are modified versions, on the other hand it saddens me a bit our official images are still not "usable enough by default" for this kind of thing. next year official images will be dual-arch and whatnot so you don't need to modify them ;-)
Only the bootloader was modified, the initramfs, kernel and squashfs images are identical copies of what we have in 2009.08.