[arch-events] Archcon: when do you arrive and depart?
My idea is to come to toronto 10-14 days, to make the jetlag/long flight/.. a bit more worth it. I haven't found a companion for a road trip/tourist stuff/camping/.. for the non-conf days like i was hoping, so I will just hang around and see what happens. Anyway, I still have to choose a start and departure date, so I was wondering when you guys will come and go. So, other then 22/23 (conf talks) and 24/25 (conf tourist stuff), are there any days that anyone would want to do something? Dieter
On 26 June 2010 04:47, Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> wrote:
I am arriving in Toronto on the 14th, I think, and leaving on the 26th or 27th. Most of the people I have talked to are coming on the 21 and leaving on the 26th. I will be somewhat busy while in Toronto, with Tai Chi training, but I'm open to joining any groups that want to do some touring. Dieter and I will probably taking a day to go to visit Niagara falls, so if anyone wants to join us, let's discuss whether to do that before or after the conference! Dusty
participants (2)
Dieter Plaetinck
Dusty Phillips