On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 14:11:18 -0800, Nikita via arch-general wrote:
After removing the xf86-video-intel package and changing the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf from "intel" to "modesetting" I got rid of most issues.
lots of distros don't recommend using xf86-video-intel (read more about that in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_graphics#Installation)
That's the link I followed, posted by Gustavo within this thread. Btw. I wonder if the OP migrated to Arch Linux and what CPU/GPU the OP is using.
Google Chrome is known to have some issues with the modesetting driver, but not the problems you described (https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=370022)
I suffer from the same symptoms, they are just more extrem. Fortunately when running "google-chrome-stable --dissable-gpu", then after a while that chaos stops and I end up with the lightdm greater. Btw. Firefox now again and again makes the machine unresponsive for a few seconds, still better than the minutes it takes, when using the Intel driver and 5.x kernels, but I prefer no issues at, when using 4.19.x kernels and the "intel" driver ;). To me it looks like a serious regression, that renders Linux unusable in the future. If just a few Intel CPUs/GPUs were affected, I simply would buy a new Intel machine, but seemingly Intel isn't well supported anymore. I'm not willing to switch back to AMD, since I used many AMD machines in the past and only experience issues with those machines, MIDI jitter, bad round-trip latency etc., I had to switch between ATI and NVIDI again and again. I'll use 14.19.x kernels as long as possible and hope that Intel will be supported again in the future. If not, it would be damned bitter. IIUC BSD is affected, too. I didn't notice it myself yet. However, I'm using computers to get things done, not to workaround issues again and again and already migrated for artwork to Apple. I would dislike to completely migrate to Apple, it's way to expensive and restricted, but at least it works and "only" suffers from some minor issues now and then. 4.19 is a longterm kernel, see https://www.kernel.org/ . I need to build it myself, but that's ok. For my taste selecting the "modesetting" driver is a very cheap workaround. It's a jump out of the frying pan into the fire. I'll still test "modesetting" a little bit, but will migrate back to "intel".