No problem. Corruption of the KDE configuration happens frequently on my system; I haven't yet bothered to find out why, though. I usually prefer Kerrick, not Kerry, by the way. -Kerrick Staley On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 4:40 AM, Álvaro Villalba Navarro <> wrote:
You are right Kerry, I just had my kde configuration corrupted. Thanks!
Álvaro, Try this: log out of your KDE session, then execute mv ~/.kde4 ~/.kde4_old from a terminal, and then log back in to KDE. Check to see if the issue persists. If the issue is gone, then your KDE configuration was
2011/5/28 Kerrick Staley <>: previously
corrupted. If this is the case, just reconfigure your system, or try restoring important subdirectories of .kde4_old into .kde4.
-Kerrick Staley
-- Álvaro Villalba Navarro