8 Sep
8 Sep
7:34 a.m.
If I use:
# systemctl disable rtkit-daemon.service # systemctl stop rtkit-daemon.service
and start a new X session, something automatically reenable and restart rtkit-daemon.service
If I find where this happens, it might be possible to say: "only user mpd control pulseaudio"?!
Like every time Arch Wiki point me to the right place. I only need to install https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pulseaudio-systemd/ activate it with systemctl enable pulseaudio.service systemctl start pulseaudio.service add all users to pulse-access group and masking the line /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start "$@" in file /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 to get System-Wide Pulseaudio running. Thanks for your help!