Am 15.06.2012 18:05, schrieb Oon-Ee Ng:
Having a bit more time to think now, to the OP, if this discussion hasn't scared you off,
Well, I have to confess that I became a bit meek by following the discussion. Actually I just wanted to get a solution to my "problem".:) Oon-Ee, It would be great if you can send me your script or tell me the article in the wiki. Heiko, by installing GNOME, pulseaudio was installed as dependency I guess. So please don't blame for starting with pulse, ok ? ^^ After all I am confused if my installation uses ALSA or pulse now. I installed ALSA but the ALSAmixer shows me the volume level of pulse ??? If you made the experience that pulse failed where ALSA succeeded there is nothing to say against it. But I have to deal with my consumer-card (it's really an HDA-chip by Intel) and thus I can't contribute something relevant. What I learned from this discussion 1) there are several sound-layer (OSS, ALSA, pulse, Jack (?)) 2) several layer can work together but also can result conflicts (nothing but logical) Spoken without any irony: thank you all for this experience. I already have at least two more question and I will use this mailinglist with pleasure ! P.S.: Don't care about the headline from GMX. German Mail-Provider sometimes handle mails writen in English very hysterical. I try to train the server-located Spamfilter with every new mail from this ML but it will take a while.