Andrea Scarpino wrote:
2009/1/22 Damjan Georgievski <>:
What's the status about the bluez4 packages in Arch? Especially since the new KDE4 should be released soon. Also the new kdebluetooth4 is out [1], and it seems to require bluez4 and "the latest kdebase4-workspace package is needed (solid-bluetooth with bluez4 support)"
I've continued to maintan my bluez4 packages here [2] but further work is needed by KDE and Gnome packagers to integrate this.
Also .. does anyone know if obex-data-server and the bluez project obexd are interchangeable?
[1] [2]
Hi, I didn't see this mail before.
Yesterday I adopted and tried to build kdebluetooth4 0.3 but I get an error, so I updated bluez and obex-data-server in [testing] but this not help. Also I built kdebase-workspace with bluez 4.27, and try to build kdebluetooth, but I get the same error.
You might want to look to Fedora for patches as I think they have done the transition to bluez. BTW, Isn't Geoffroy doing bluez stuff? Allan