[2012-07-02 12:33:17 +0800] albertsong:
But please kindly put yourself in our shoes, what would you feel when you try to download iso image of ArchLInux, and find out the name of you're country has ", Province of China" fallowed by it?
Thanks but I already understand the issue. Honestly, what do you think is best: - Get the name fixed in the upstream database, so all projects who rely on it (not just Arch) can benefit from the improvement. - Have us, non-specialists on country naming issues, maintain a special patch against this database for the sole benefit of our website?
BTW, is the mentioned "django country list" this one? http://code.google.com/p/django-countries/
Yes. See line 13 of: http://projects.archlinux.org/archweb.git/tree/mirrors/views.py -- Gaetan