On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 4:16 AM, Juan R. de Silva <juan.r.d.silva@gmail.com> wrote:
3. In case net-tools package from core does not provide hostname any more as well, what would be a solution then for one that would like to use "terminus" fonts which by default installed into /usr/share/fonts/local?
I've never had any problems with Terminus being added to fontpath in .xinitrc but you can use xorg.conf for that too. If you have net-tools installed, you shouldn't be getting errors about hostname being missing. hostname will be provided by inetutils, as was explained in the mailing list message I linked to. I'm currently running testing and I have no problems with X, hostname does its job (whatever that might be ;P), I'm using Terminus and have 'xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local &; in my .xinirtc - all seems to work. When I downgrade to [core] (i.e. I'm not using [testing] anymore), things still work, so the current net-tools should be all you need.