On 2023-11-16 09:28:34, Jaron Kent-Dobias wrote:
However, running iw list | grep -A 15 Frequencies: on my T490 (which is the machine giving me the problem), I see the following output where 5GHz channels as disabled:
Does that mean anything to anyone? Thanks.
The difference in what channels are enabled might be the problem. On the laptop that can connect to the hotspot, can you see what channel the hotspot is advertised on? If it is one of the ones disabled on your other laptop, you may need a more permissive (but "wrong") regulatory domain set.
The AP is using frequency 5240MHz. This frequency is disabled on the T490 according to the output of iw list | grep -A 15 Frequencies:. I am in Singapore, and according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels, 5240MHz can be used here without restrictions. Additionally, I don't understand why this kicked in this week while working fine for about 2 months now. The output of wpa_cli status, which is what I ran on the working machine to find the frequency, is: Selected interface 'wlp0s20f3' bssid=9c:53:22:fc:16:22 freq=5240 ssid=gcat id=0 mode=station wifi_generation=6 pairwise_cipher=CCMP group_cipher=CCMP key_mgmt=WPA2-PSK wpa_state=COMPLETED ieee80211ac=1 -- Regards, Sadeep PGP: 103BF9E3E750BF7E