On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 23:21:28 +0200 Ionuț Bîru <ibiru@archlinux.org> wrote:
On 01/25/2011 11:14 PM, Jesse Juhani Jaara wrote:
ti, 2011-01-25 kello 22:13 +0100, Grzegorz Rumiński kirjoitti:
Hi lads,
Can I selectively install apackage from [testing] repo or do I have to uncomment it in pacman.conf, update database, install it and then comment it again? Is there a way to install it more quickly/with less messing around with conf file? I do not have access to my arch box for a few weeks now but started to wonder...
Thanks, Greg.
Enable it in pacman.conf and place it as the last repository. Then pacman -Sy testing/pkg_name
Never ever do this. testing repo is all or nothing.
Boohoo. I do this for years and it works fine for me. Sue me. You just need to know that when things break because of it, how to fix it. (which is easy) Dieter