3 May
3 May
7:12 a.m.
yes, thank you very much, it works well. On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Juan Diego wrote:
I'm trying to create a source pkg for an aur package and I'm geting this error:
$ makepkg --source ==> Making package: mpd-devel 0.15_beta1-1 i686 (Sun May 3 16:02:54 KST 2009) ==> Creating source package... -> Adding PKGBUILD... -> Adding install script... -> Adding mpd.init... -> Adding mpd.install... ln: creating symbolic link `/home/xxxxxx/mpd/srclinks.SKgroBqtf/mpd-devel/mpd.install': File existsy
I have this files as my source files: PKGBUILD mpd.init mpd.install
any ideas why is this? thanks
Your install file should not be in the source array.