On 08/10/12||22:04, Jelle van der Waa wrote:
On 08/10/12 20:47, Arno Gaboury wrote:
Dear list,
I am trying with no sucess to install w7 on a VM on my Archlinux box. I use virt-install,virtio,qemu, and i already managed to set up VM.
This time, after #virt-install --connect qemu///system --name=merdoz --ram 4000 --cpu host --disk path=/dev/vg0/lv_merdoz,bus=virtio,sparse=false,format=raw --cdrom /var/lib/libvirt/images/isofiles/WindowsTiny.iso --description="merdoz -vm guest on host magnolia" --graphics vnc --os-type=windows --os-variant=win7 --video=vga --hvm --accelerate --nonetwork.
The libvirtviewer opens, and windows starts to install. The issue is it can not find the disk (/dev/vg0/lv_merdoz) because drivers are not installed.
I read I needed virtio-win-0.1-30.iso. I downloaded it, exctract the WIN7 folder with the drivers. Then I exctract my win7.iso, put the WIN7 folder inside, then $mkisofs -o win7.iso -J -r win7 and get a new iso file.
Unfortunately, when using it with virt-install, the file is not recognized and windows can not boot: could not read (code 004).
1- Do I really need virtio.iso to get the drivers? If not, why w7 doesn't recognize my LV ? 2- how to add these drivers to my setup?
Thank you for help.
IIRC, I added the virtio iso as second disk ( or floppy image ) and then installed windows. ( Windows can 'install' drivers in the partitioning step )
I thought I could use : $virsh # attach-disk merdoz ~/virtio-win-0.1-30.iso hdc --type cdrom But it doesn't work either, as virsh # list returns NO domain. Weird, as the following command seems Ok: [gabx@magnolia:~]$ virsh --connect qemu:///system start merdoz Domain merdoz started So I can't understand why domain merdoz is started and NOT listed with virsh