Hi Alper! Here in Brazil we are planning some like that for the FISL (Internation Forum of Open Software - Fórum Internacional de Software Livre) at June 24-27. Me and Hugo Doria are planning a lecture for that, and a Arch Linux user group, which have a space for all interested in our distro. If anyone want come to the event, please, let us know. *Sorry for my english... On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:35 PM, Alper KANAT <tunix@raptiye.org> wrote:
Hey There Guys,
We'd love to tell you about the latest news. We were at our stand all day long on the very first day of 8th Free Software and Linux Festival. What we've done?
* We've burnt 20 i686 and 10 x86_64 CD images and created paper CD cases and gave everyone for free. (unfortunetly we were only capable of doing 40 of them and 30 cases since especially the cases were so expensive as they were the best quality available)
* Made some installations for people who needs help
* Printed nearly 30 Turkish installation manual and gave them with the CD's..
* Created a "Arch Linux on Tap" concept and made it available over the network! :) They is very cool though since anyone can put the plug in and install Arch with our very new and fresh Arch mirror (that have i686 and x86_64 packages for core, testing, community, extra).
We'll continue to do introduce Arch Linux to visitors of the festival and help them to discover the beauty!
We also have some pictures for you! :) Comments are welcome!
-- Alper KANAT <alperkanat@raptiye.org>
-- Kessia Pinheiro Computer Science Student - Brazil, UFBa Linux System Administrator Arch Linux Trusted User Linux User #389695 http://even.archlinux-br.org --- X Fórum Internacional Software Livre - fisl10 24 a 27 de junho de 2009 PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil