* Delcypher <delcypher@gmail.com> (Thu, 9 Oct 2014 15:26:57 +0100):
Regardless of that there are several ways of specifying flags. It can be done at the target level (e.g. target_compile_definitions(mylib COMPILE_OPTIONS ...) ) or globally using CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_*. There are several flags for different release types, e.g.
I believe there are other ways to set flags as well.
I already set CMAKE_CXX_RELEASE and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, but to no avail.
You should look at how the developers have set their flags in their CMakeLists.txt files and do it the same way.
Searching for "-fnortti" in CMakeLists.txt and grepping for that value in the complete source code didn't reveal anything. The only flags that are explicitly set are "Environment compile flags", set using SET(MYSQLCPPCONN_COMPILE_FLAGS_ENV "$ENV{CPPFLAGS} ${MYSQL_CXXFLAGS} $ENV{CXXFLAGS}") but somehow CMake outputs "MySQL CXXFLAGS" with "-fnortti" included. Ah! They're in the PKGBUILD of mysql. Removing -fnortti there solved this issue and mysql-connector-c++ builds again. Regards, Marcel