Dear advanced Arch Linux users and developers,

           Many visually impaired Orca screen reader users would like to use their Arch Linux distribution with The Dbus-broker service enabled. Why?

Because The Dbus-broker service allow Orca screen readeru to obtain The necessary information much more faster by using Dbus-broker, because Dbus inter proces communication is being used by The Orca screen readeru very intensively.


My kind question to The most advanced of us is.

Which command to type to allow dbus-broker service to be used.

And how to register Dbus-broker so Systém message bus service can be started correctly.


If Dbus-broker is not being used, Orca screen readeru produce longer responsiveness while typing E-mail messages in Thunderbird, when navigating by using arrow keys inside long messages tree in Thunderbird and in general, orca inter proces communication is really much more faster.


Is there are negative aspect of having Dbus-broker active?


I do not work for big company so I do not have to be too much afraid about security like elite workers, who are working with The sensitive data.

But I would like to know, if there any shadow and dangerous effect when somebody will run dbus-broker as A service to speed UP The Orca screen readeru inter proces communication.

Today, Fedora uses this stratégy, so Dbus-broker is really enabled in this distribution by default, atleast i know about it 100 % for The Mate spin.


Thank you very very much for your answer.

With The deepest possible appreciation and with The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel