David C. Rankin wrote:
I'm kind of chuckling at this one. I did a simple substitution in vi on 2009.02 to comment out a few samba shares I wasn't going to use from a smb.conf I copied over. I simply used ':35,72s/^/# /' and then -- Orange appeared over all the comments and leading whitespace in the file. See (38k):
What is the magic that makes this happen and ... more important ... how do I turn it off? I don't even know what setting to start looking for on this one? Anybody else run across this?
In case the environment is important to the answer, I on my laptop running openSuSE 11.0 using konsole on kde 3.5.10 and using ssh to open a terminal to my new archlinux box. Dunno? Maybe that makes a difference?
Any thoughts on this one are welcomed. Thanks.
or just seach for something non-existent (slash = search)