Thanks, I understand now, I'll look into it! On Oct 4, 2015 10:13 AM, "Moritz Bunkus" <> wrote:
After the latest "pacman -Syu" I'm having a weird issue, I've upgraded the mkvtoolnix package, and I seem to have lost the "mmg" program.
mmg (the old GUI) has been superseded by the new GUI (MKVToolNix GUI) which in turn has been part of official MKVToolNix releases since 8.0.0. The old one's been removed in 8.4.0.
Now about Arch packaging: there are four open bugs already for this[1] as the Arch package doesn't include the new GUI yet. Additionally there has been a thread about this on this very mailing list a couple of days ago[2]. That thread includes proposed PKGBUILDs that include the new GUI. You can give those a try.
Kind regards, mosu
[1] [2]