22 Jun
22 Jun
6:43 p.m.
pe, 2012-06-22 kello 14:34 -0400, Chris Jones kirjoitti:
I created a grub menu entry for ‘archlinux-2011.08.19-core-dual.iso’ and booted successfully.. but afaict.. it only lets me run the installer.
What do you mean it only lets you run the installer? Our isos are full livecds. Once you boot the cd you have a fullfledget readonly arch system, altought you can install stuff to ram, but due to the fact that the current isos are so old and Arch is rolling release you would most likely have to install everysingle package as update before being able to install something new..... Just login as root and start bagging in sed and awk clauses to the console ^_^ should work.