6 Jan
6 Jan
12:03 p.m.
Von: arch-general-bounces@archlinux.org im Auftrag von Thomas Bächler Gesendet: Fr 1/6/2012 11:28
I suspect the AUR's nvidia-rt will conflict with the package nvidia?!
No, the AUR's nvidia-rt package should be what you want (if you diff the nvidia and nvidia-rt PKGBUILDs, the differences should be small).
Thanks, so you're referring to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA#Alternate_install:_custom_kernel ? Ok, if nvidia-rt from AUR would be up to date I could use this? But because the module is for another driver version, I need to build it using abs? Perhaps editing the nvidia-rt PKGBUILD file would be ok too? I simply will test it later ;). Ciao :) Ralf